Eleutherine palmifoliaL. Merr. (Bawang Dayak)

Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine palmifoliaL. Merr.) is traditionally used to cure diabetes and other diseases by Dayak tribes in Kalimantan Island (Borneo), Indonesia.

A study conducted by Febrinda, A. E., Yuliana, N. D., Ridwan, E., Wresdiyati, T. and Astawan, M, available in the International Food Research Journal has proven that Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine palmifolia L. Merr.) is indeed effective in treating diabetes. The research also justified the use of the plant to treat diabetes among the natives of Borneo. Planting this herb is easy. In the tropics, you just need to plant it on a rich soil and water it frequently.

Eleutherine palmifoliaL. Merr.

It looks similar to a ground orchid

The Bawang Dayak (Dayak Onion) has been used for generations to treat various diseases. This onion (roots) is red in colour while the leaves are green. Sometimes it can be mistakenly identified as a ground orchid because it has white flowers similar to some common ground orchids.
The roots of the herb contain compounds such as alkaloids, glycosides, flavonoids, phenolic, steroids and tannins. Generally the onion has been utilised by the local community as medicine to treat various illnesses including treatment for breasts cancer, hypertension, diabetes, cancer of the intestines and to prevent stroke as well as reducing cholesterol.
Eleutherine palmifolia could be utilised in the form of fresh (bulb) which is eaten raw or in a powder form. The potential for the onion as a multifunctional medicine crop is very promising – it is remarkably easy to grow has no known pests.

Clinacanthus Nutans and Cancer

Clinacanthus Nutans (Snake Grass) has been used in traditional medicine to treat common insect bites including venomous snakes and other animals. The popularity of the herb soared when an incredible story of a cancer patient, Mr. Liu Hui Lian who had recovered from the illness by taking the herb was published in a Chinese Daily – Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press.

                                                  Clinacanthus Nutans herb

Since then many other patients suffering from various chronic diseases such diabetes, heart and kidney problems claimed that the herb helped in the curing of the disease.

Clinacanthus Nutans helps

• reduce suffering from various types of cancers such as lung, breast, prostate, uterus and leukemia

• reduce uric acid, cholesterol and diabetes

• reduce blood pressure and improve blood flow

• improve skin problems such as eczema, shingles and psoriasis

• reduce the discomfort of dialysis and kidney disease

• detoxify, heal bruises and swelling

The Efficacy of the Clinacanthus Nutans herb

According to a study conducted by the Institute of Vegetable Research at the Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences and College of Horticulture, South China Agricultural University, stated that Clinacantus Nutans leaves have nutritional value as follows:

  • It has a high content of flavonoids that have antioxidant capabilities in preventing and prevent cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • Contains many important minerals, especially vitamins, more than 45% crude protein and 17 types of amino acids.
  • Rich in vitamin C, protein, fiber and minerals that have the effect against free radicals which help prevent cancer.
  • Contains mineral such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and some traces of iron.

How to prepare Soursop leaf solution

The Soursop tree

I think I am going to write something about herbs today, well not really herbs but the Soursop leaves and their medical properties. I remember when I was young how I played with the fruits along with my friends without even knowing how useful the fruits were. Of course we did eat a few fruits but there were just too many of them, so the rest landed in each other’s backs or heads. When ripe they are quite supple and smooth and are safe enough to play with but not when they are still young where they are quite hard.

I have a good memory playing with Soursop fruits

The Soursop trees grew along the trail that we used to follow everyday to school and we never felt hungry when coming back to school because the fruits provided a good source of food. One thing I remember about the fruit, it tasted sweet and a sour, and probably that is why it is called Soursop. In our local lingo, we call it as Lampun and in Malay it is known as Durian Belanda. I believe that the fruit is also rich of vitamin C, no wonder during my childhood we hardly had flu or other diseases related to Vitamin C deficiencies.

I will be talking specifically of the Soursop leaves in this entry and will try to write about the fruit in a later post hopefully.So, what are the medical properties of the Soursop leaves? Well, as I did my research over the internet, I found out that the leaves do have an effective repair power and could kill malignant cells for 12 types of cancer, including cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, lung and pancreatic cancer. It could also elevate energy in the body and increase stamina and fitness. It also reported to be able to help boost immune system and help fight infections.

On other websites I also found out that the Soursop leaf and bark (Powder) may cure diabetes by regulating blood sugar, which shows its high effectiveness in endocrine commitments: liver, kidney, thyroid, pancreas, ovary, prostate, intestines, muscle relaxant smooth (heart), gall bladder, appendix and fights lung cancer or Lewis, breast cancer and brain tumors, hypotensive, anti-spasmodic, vasodilator, eliminates dust mites that cause asthma and bronchial diseases. The leaf tea cure liver problems, improves the function of the pancreas. It is effective to deworm children, malaria cure, indicated to raise the defenses in patients with chemotherapy and also for people with HIV (AIDS).

Well, that is all about the Soursop’s leaf properties. Now, I am going to talk about how to prepare the Soursop leaves tea. It is simple and only takes about 30-40 minutes of your time.

  1. First, pick about 7-10 mature leaves.
  2. Wash the leaves thoroughly.
  3. Prepare a clay pot for cooking, make sure that it is clean. Chinese traditional medical practitioners highly recommend the use of clay pot as oppose to steel pot, however any pot will do when you can’t find any clay pot at your place.
  4. Pour a least 1 litre of water into the pot and wait an leave it to boil for 30 minutes.
  5. After 30 minutes, pour the water into a glass.
  6. Wait for it to cool down and drink.
  7. Keep the remainder in the pot and drink them later. (You will have 3-5 glasses of Soursop solution in one preparation)

It is recommended that you drink the Soursop leaves juice at least three times a week. Here are the pictures to help you with the preparation.

The Soursop tree which I planted 2 years ago, height about 6 feet (183cm)

I picked about 7 mature Soursop leaves for the solution

The Soursop leaves in the clay pot

Pour about a litre of water

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Leave to boil for 30 minutes

The Soursop solution after boiling for 30 minutes

The finished product, it tastes good and looked like a mug of cold beer

[Source: 1 ]
Some useful information about the Soursop here.